Beim Kitchen Talk lädt raum&designstrategien Künstler*innen ein, aus ihrer Praxis zu erzählen. Es wird gemeinsam gekocht und gegessen und gemeinsam wird darüber gesprochen, was eine zukünftige Praxis für Raumstrateg*innen sein könnte.
At Kitchen Talk space&designstrategies invites artists to talk about their practice. We cook and eat together and discuss what a future practice for spatial strategists could be.
NCA wants to open up new experiences with sensual emotions. „I have never felt like an artist, but an external fact of life has changed that“
On militant sound investigations, pedagogy, and organizing as developed by Ultra-red sound art collective over the past 30 years of existence. Exploring acoustic space as an enunciative of social relations, Ultra-red takes up the acoustic mapping of contested spaces and histories, utilizing sound-based research that directly engages in political struggles and organizing.
Arts for the Commons (A4C) is a collective exercise launched by Rosa Jijón and Francesco Martone in 2016, meant to provide a platform for artists and activists exploring the connections and synergies between visual production and efforts to reclaim the commons, address outstanding issues related to human migration, borders, social and environmental justice, liquid citizenship. By creating opportunities for exchange, mutual action and sharing, A4C not only operates as a platform but attempts to create a new common, a synthesis between arts and political engagement. A4C explores the interstitial spaces between power and communities, traditional arts system and society, states and territories by using documentation as an artistic practice.
AKT is a seventeen-member Viennese architecture collective with the aim of promoting the independent and utopian production of space. The design of our living environment, which increasingly follows economic constraints, is to be broken up, undermined and counteracted by alternative models through the construction of concrete spaces.
The work of Leopold Kessler often take place in public space, where he investigates the conditions of the city and urban life and the behaviours that are influenced by them. His site-specific, unannounced actions and interventions happen almost unnoticed, as they give the impression of authorized, official acts or construction measures. Through his works we as the audience can reflect our own acting in a sometimes-ironic way.
Elke Krasny on Curating with Care: Living with a Wounded Planet. Today, we are living with a deeply wounded planet. We are all the planetary beings and matters that are of and with the planet. Modern epistemologies and economic realities have resulted in oppressive logics of separation and violent forms of building borders and, at the same time, accelerating extraction. We need to collectively build awareness for what it means to be living with a wounded planet and how architecture is implicated in wounding the planet and responsible to living with the planet. Introducing recovery as a concept, this lecture draws on practices of curating with care and asks what kind of architecture is needed to recover in the afterlife of patriarchal-colonial-imperial-capitalist violence.