17_18 baywatch > lectures
Under the title "Prototyping Future" Amelie Goldfuss started the lecture series with the lecture "Hey - Watch OUT - It's the anthropocene!" and the following workshop. Our guests this semester are globalized experts who, with and through their work, take a focused look at portions of the all-embracing and entropic complexity of the Anthropozoic era. Amelie Goldfuss works with the unfinished, raising the question of how fiction forms reality. With the development of fictional objects and their settling in the real, everyday environment, explores the needs, desires, opinions and feelings about existing or future technologies and their impact on our living environment.
#1 Prototyping Future
Together we process an exceptional list of ingredients. Fahim Amir's food and lecture titled "Experiments in Postcolonialism - Contemporary Art from a Post-Habsburg Perspective" becomes a spicy, colorful mix of position and counter-position, political contextualization with great potential for cooking, drinking and discussing. The philosopher, artist and curator is also Senior Lecturer at the Department of Experimental Design at the Art University Linz. Previously, he held professorships at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the University of Campinas Sao Paulo. Artistic, cursory and theoretical, he deals with natureculture, performance and utopias on colonial historicity and modernism. His research and production practice examines phenomena of gentrification, migration and transcultural agency.
#2 Experiments in Postcolonialism
Our guest was Dr. Helga Kromp-Kolb from the Institute of Meteorology and the Center for Global Change and Sustainability at the BOKU Vienna. As part of the role-play "World Climate", we were allowed to play the role of international delegate for a few hours and had to defend our interests against the other states. Buffet and chairs were only available for the rich industrialized countries, and delegates from developing countries had to sit on the ground - as is the case with the real UN climate conference. The aim was to reach a joint agreement in line with the UN's CO2 objectives. After tough negotiations with China, you could fix the 2 ° C agreement!
Em.O.Univ.Prof. Dr. Helga Kromp-Kolb is a meteorologist and head of the Center for Global Change and Sustainability at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (focus on social transformation, education for sustainable development, paradigm shifts in science); Member of scientific advisory boards and was instrumental in founding the Climate Change Center Austria (CCCA, 2011) and the Allianz Sustainable Universities (2014). She is co-initiator of the first Austrian report on climate change in 2014 (AAR14) and gives numerous lectures and lectures.
#3 UN-climate conference simulation
Verena Konrad, a former teacher at the Institut für raum & Designstrategien, now Director of the Vorarlberg Architecture Institute and Commissioner for the Austria Pavilion at this year's Architecture Biennale in Venice, was a guest at the R & D lecture series and has cooking vegetables and granola from her work at the VAI tells. They talked about the numerous and diverse placement programs at the VAI and current exhibitions, as well as their personal favorites!
#4 Verena Konrad
Ice equals energy. How much energy (KJ) does ice require in order to freeze or melt and how can we use this energy? In the workshop with Markus Jeschaunig we built a autochthonous cooling installation with homemade ice. Experiments that try to decrease the melting temperature will test the efficiency of ice as an energy resource. Markus Jeschaunig is an Austrian artist and architect. His practice 'Agency in Biosphere' is inspired by the dynamics of atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere and realised various national and international exhibitions and art projects dealing with ecology, environment and resources. Co-author of 'Breathe.Austria – Pavilion at the Expo 2015” in Milan (as part of team.breathe.austria). KlimARS Prize 2016, BAUWELT Prize 2017.
#6 Ice Investigations
On the 19th of april 2018 Giacomo Equizi encouraged the students to think about the future. In the face of rising sealevels, he set the task of developing a concept for an artificial island. It could be designed for tourism, emergency situations or for private individuals. In the end, two very contradictory works emerged. An islands concept for trillionaires and their employees and a relief organization that asked for donations on the main square in Linz. Giacomo studied product and communication design at design University ISIA Firenze. He works as freelance graphic design and in Nefula, a design collective focused in exploring possible futures through the Near Future Design methodology. Nefula operates in the fields of education, event management and transmedia communication. With a cross-disciplinary approach, Nefula explores possible futures and performs them through prototypes and transmedia narratives, in order to push further the awareness of which futures are desiderable.
#7 Giacomo Equizi
At a machine you can buy the most important things, when the last shops are already closed. Coke, cigarettes, condoms, chocolate bars, instant soup. Others offer us tram and park tickets. We talk about selling vending machines, it was not why and how they do it. And also about those who sell nothing. Where do you come from, was it from them and above all: what are they worth as a mirror of everyday life? In the workshop, we drive ourselves 50 years into the future and consider how climate change has changed everyday life. We speculate what products are available in this everyday life. Amelie Goldfuß studied industrial design, communication design and book art in Halle an der Saale and in Florence. After that she worked for Studio Marije Vogelzang in the Netherlands. During her studies, she developed a strong interest in design fiction and critical design. She co-organized several events dealing with the topic of Internet culture and surveillance. She works with the unfinished, raising the question of how fiction forms reality. With the development of fictional objects and their settling in the real, everyday environment, explores the needs, desires, opinions and feelings about existing or future technologies and their impact on our living environment.
#8 Vending Machines
While doing research on and lecturing theory in Urban Design, I found myself noticing something almost too simple to discuss – the common reliance in urban studies on the concept of “the city as product of everyday practises” which, while putting action to the fore, has little regard for any theory of action. In other words: In an era of the emphasis on practises in the urban studies I saw it as important that there should be no silence about the model of action implied in this fundamental concept and that there is a need to redefine or clearify this model. In this way I attempt to offer a new understanding both of what we do, when we make the city or what we do, when we analyse and represent this making.Christopher Dell (Dr. habil.) is a theoretician and composer. He is interested in practices and the organisation processes in the contemporary city. In trans-disciplinary work constellations he attempts to conceptionalize relational forms of action as procedures and to render them fruitful for research and design. Currently, he teaches as Professor for Urban Forms of Knowledge, Organisation Theory and Relational Forms of Practice in the research and teaching programme Urban Design at HafenCity University Hamburg.
#9 The Improvisation of Space
With the exercise to observe the environment for a material we find interesting, we started the workshop and our last Ringvorlesung with Erez Nevi Pana at our Baywatch Scape under Lentos art museum. The workshop was divided in different parts. First we had to observe and find our material, do some research and experiments with the material. In the last step we had to search for a solution to change the problem which was connected to the material we were working with. A important part of the whole progress was to document the different steps to make it understandable to others. The challenge Erez gave us though, was not to use Paper - because paper is not vegan. So we only used digital documentation and analog drawing and writing, as for example with sand on the floor. Erez Nevi Pana is an explorer who uses design as a significant tool to investigate phenomena through material experimentation. Based in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, Nevi Pana formed La Terrasse (2015) as a platform for designers, artists, writers and thinkers to work closely together, share their thoughts on a central theme and realize their visions. As a researcher of materials, he advises companies and corporations in material development and usage, such as architectural purposes, a concept car made out of biodegradable substances, etc.
#10 Erez Nevi Pana